Game PC

Play Flappy Bird on PC

Already have you ever tried to play the game Flappy Bird ? Game Flappy Bird on the rise for smartphone users . If you have not tried to play this game or your phone instead of Smartphone do not have to worry . Flappy Bird 's game can also be played in a version Computer / PC tablets buddy .

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Playing Game Flappy Bird in Computer / PC is very suitable for you who are not satisfied with the small screen of your smartphone or if you do not have a Smartphone .

How to Play Flappy Bird in Computers do not differ from those in the Smartphone . On the computer , you have to click the mouse to raise the bird . By the time you do not click the mouse and the bird will fall game over . You have to maintain a balance so that the bird can vertically through the tubes hanging .

To get a high score you have to overcome many obstacles , many new users who dies when its value is zero . You can share the results of your flying bird on facebook . Try to compete with your friends on facebook . Who can get the highest score are treated to the same low value . Now you no longer need to play the bird Flappy on android and ios that has a small screen because you can play games on the computer as well Flappy bird .

Play computer games releases Flappy bird in this game because of the player . Hopefully with Flappy game bird in the pc can add active users this game . So and respectfully .

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